Our Story

A labour of love

Our story began the way most conception stories do. We had boobs on the brain.

Our female founder has worked in the healthcare space for years. But it wasn’t until she had her own baby that she realised how limited the Australian breast pump landscape was. 

She found herself confined to the couch for 6-7 hours a day, tirelessly expressing into a bulky, uncomfortable contraption – the only kind available in Australia just a few years ago. Desperate for a solution, she stumbled upon a wearable breast pump from the US. The catch? It came with an exorbitant price tag and logistical nightmares.The pump arrived 4 months later, at which point her need for it had expired. 

Fuelled by the disbelief that this is what Aussie mums were dealing with, she went all-in to revolutionise the landscape of Aussie-owned breast pumps. 

Melony was conceived: a pump that’s not only effective, convenient and hands-free – but locally-owned and easy for Aussie mums to get a hold of. 

Now, Melony is all grown up, ready to flee the nest and help new mums like you get out from under the pump.